Helping Humanity Heal
A drought covers the Earth, a drought of spirituality
Needed the World Over
The true path.
Helping humanity heal the world
The anger, hate, and division we are facing in our world today does not come down to political differences, it does not come down to liberal or conservative values, it does not come down to race, gender, or ethnic disparities, it comes down to a lack of spirituality, a lack of an ability to see the world through an eternal lens and recognize that we are all connected.
Spirituality connects us to each other
Spirituality connects us to a greater purpose
Spirituality connects us to all of creation
Increase your own spirituality while becoming a spiritual guide to those around you.
Elevate Your Spirit
Do you feel called to live a higher existence in this life?
Do you feel deeply that there is more that you are meant to achieve?
Does your heart ache over the division of your brothers and sisters on this Earth?
Then you are already on the path to peace, you are already traversing along the Trajectory of Human Spirituality. Enroll here for individual courses designed to help you along your journey to your ultimate spiritual potential.
Shine the Light for Others
Do you feel driven to help others along their spiritual path while you traverse your own?
Do you feel a call to shed your light on the path so others may see the way forward?
Enroll here to gain the tools you need to help others, and to become certified by The Institute for Human Spirituality as a spiritual guide.
Spirituality Around the World
Up to 750 million people without faith
Sociologists estimate that between 500-750 million people in the world do not believe in God or a higher power.
Over 280 million people are depressed
People all across the world are suffering from a lack of hope in their lives. According to the World Health Association (WHO), over 280 million people worldwide suffer from depression.
Depression is the #1 disability
Depression is the leading cause for disability in the world. It affects every race, gender, ethnicity, and location on the Earth.